
Case Study: Retail Energy Provider

Because of NDAs, we can’t name the provider, but we can talk about how the improvements we made to their website conversion rates had an impact on their business.

This fast-growing but seasoned electricity provider has been delivering affordable energy to Texas (and beyond) since 2002. Its focus on simple, flexible account management and cost-effective and budget sound energy sets it apart from an industry in which customer service and savings are often mutually exclusive.


How We Do It

The Challenge

In 2019, the company was eager to improve its website design in order to grow sales and elevate its existing brand identity. Integrate’s assignment was to create an optimal user experience through strategic website enhancements.

The Approach

Our web development team began with a holistic audit of the company’s branding and design. We noticed several aspects of its website that impaired functionality and inhibited conversion, including:

  • Visual clutter: The homepage featured content that distracted from the primary conversion goal: making their energy plans attractive and easy to understand while minimizing sign-up barriers. Our plan for improving the site’s functionality and credibility involved streamlining the navigation, making the UI and UX consistent throughout, and removing bugs to improve usability.
  • Time-consuming order cycles: Navigating from homepage to order confirmation required too many clicks, and the order pages included excessive form fields requesting unnecessary information from users. Our goal was to remove such obstacles to conversion.
  • Unfriendly mobile experience: Recognizing that 40%+ of digital sales came from mobile users, we saw an opportunity to increase sales by improving the mobile design. The intent was to make it as easy as possible for customers to purchase plans from their mobile devices.

The Execution

Our web designers went to work on the site’s key conversion pages, including the homepage, energy plans page, and enrollment and confirmation pages. We’ve learned that the best-laid plans often go awry when sites go live, so we relied heavily on A/B testing to refine UI and UX for maximum customer acquisition and retention.
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The Results

We were thrilled with the increase in visitors and sales our site redesign enabled. By removing friction points, streamlining the user experience, and making strategic adjustments based on industry experience, A/B testing, and conversion rate optimization best practices.

A/B Testing

Increased conversion rate by 72% from 2.9% to 5.0% over the span of a single quarter.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Additionally, we saw a 67% increase in overall web site conversions.


This project offers a ringing endorsement of the value of strong conversion and goal oriented website design. We not only made the site more aesthetically pleasing, but also removed visual and experiential deterrents to conversion, resulting in a significant increase in sales.