The Whiteboard Blog:

Blog Articles

Breaking Through that Creative Block

Breaking Through that Creative Block

It is important to remember that EVERY designer experiences a creative block on occasion. It is definitely hard to shake it once you are in one and even harder to accept that you might need to walk...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

Nerding Out and Why You Should Too

Confession time: I’m a nerd. Right now, I have a Game of Thrones and Supernatural figurines on my desk. If I had more room, I would have so many more. Actually, if I may be honest, most of the...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

5 Tips for Creating Exceptional Designs

As communication trends continuously evolve, it is our job to stay on top of what is working to get our client’s messages out there, and what is not. Eye-catching graphics and creative imagery help...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

How to Prevent a Social Media Melt-Down

Integrate makes it a point to always stay on top of current events and when the Travel Channel pulled Man Finds Food , a new show created by Adam Richman of Man Vs. Food fame, from its channel...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

It’s a Dog Eat Dog World!

The last year has been a whirlwind. I can’t believe it’s already July and I’ve been with Integrate Public Relations for a year now. In the past year I’ve come to realize that, outside of adapting to...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

Mid-Size Agency of the Year!

In case you didn’t see our massive explosion of photos on Instagram, Integrate won PRSA Mid-Size Agency of the Year! We are so honored and truly grateful to have received such an award and we want...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

Six Tips To Help Stay Focused At Work

Staying focused on one thing for longer than 20 minutes is difficult, especially if you’re one of the 56 percent of Americans using a smart phone.  On any given day, you’ll be receiving a myriad of...

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Breaking Through that Creative Block

IPR Becomes Hands On With Graphic Design

We are entering the realm of graphic design here at Integrate. For a PR agency like ours that integrates traditional public relations with the always-changing social media world, stunning visuals...

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