The Whiteboard Blog:

Blog Articles

Showing Solidarity on Social Media

Showing Solidarity on Social Media

Just two short weeks ago, the world was in shock as they watched the news unfold surrounding the organized terrorist attack that occurred in Paris, France, killing at least 128 people. Facebook...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

Building Bridges with Realtors

While we love the work we do for our clients each and every day, we experience a whole new level of satisfaction when our clients win awards thanks to our work together.  A recent example we’re...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

Words Have Meaning

Media training can be one of a PR professional’s toughest job requirements. Once you’re live and the cameras are rolling, there is no turning back. Millions are watching and are judging the tiniest...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

Social Media Users Are Getting Older

With the turn of the century, came today’s social media culture as we know it, thus creating a new way for the world to communicate and, more importantly, to advertisers, a new way to market their...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

A Client’s Response to Stephen Colbert

By now, we have a feeling you’ve already heard what Stephen Colbert has to say about our dear city. If you haven’t, we’ll bring you up to speed. During last Tuesday’s Late Show, Colbert made a dig...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

The Bigger The Better?

After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin, and before starting my new journey at Integrate Agency, I decided to take the summer off to travel.  Over the past few months, I have enjoyed...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

What I REALLY think, Google.

Oh Google. You’ve done it again. Gone and changed your logo to keep up with today’s design “trends.”  You aren’t the first household name to give your logo a facelift, and you definitely won’t be...

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Showing Solidarity on Social Media

Inspiration and the Creative Zone

Creativity is a one of the most important skills needed in the public relations world, from writing daily social media posts to designing advertisements and off-the-wall strategic plans that both...

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