
The Future of Social Media: Trends and Platforms to Keep an Eye On

Mar 20, 2023 | +1, Blog, Industry News, Social Media

Social media has become the go-to for marketing agencies around the world. No matter if you’re a startup building a customer base, or if you’re a well-known corporation expanding your reach, social media is one of the most influential spaces for marketing.

Just like anything in the digital age, social media is an evolving beast that we need to maintain pace with. It’s important that you understand the nuances of the current state of social media so you can make informed decisions about how to effectively utilize it in the future.

In this blog, we do a deep-dive into the current state of some platforms, and what new spaces you should consider for your brand!

What is the current state of social media?

With 4.59 billion social media users world-wide, it is one of the most popular ways people connect and engage with each other online.

However, the way people use and engage with social media has changed in the last year. Let’s examine the different social media platforms and how audiences engaged with them.

Exploring Meta Platforms

When it comes to social media, then Facebook is royalty. With almost 3 billion users worldwide, this popular platform is here to stay for the future. One of the key features of Facebook is that it’s easy to get started, regardless of your technology know-how. Facebook is an excellent platform for beginners as you can share almost all types of content, such as text, videos, images and “Stories.”

At the other end of the Meta spectrum is Instagram. This platform is excellent for showcasing products both statically and dynamically. You can curate a visually appealing feed, while also sharing content live when it happens. Instagram has become an excellent platform for eCommerce, with the integration of adding product links to your posts. This study explains that 72% of Instagram users will buy something that they see on Instagram, making this platform a timeless addition to your marketing strategy.

TikTok on the Clock

TikTok is one of the fastest growing platforms internationally. This platform empowers users to create and share short videos with others on the internet. What makes TikTok differ from Facebook and Instagram is the discovery engine. It doesn’t just give you a feed of people you follow, but showcases similar pieces of bite-sized content from other people around the world.

You can expand your audience base by using TikTok, as the platform is primarily used by a younger demographic. This allows brands to tailor their messaging so that younger audiences can enjoy your content. Like with Instagram, TikTok is a hotspot for people to buy what they see, with almost 50% of users buying what they see on the app. So if your product is shown on someone’s TikTok, there’s a strong chance that audiences will buy it.

Twitter vs Tumblr

Even though Twitter has been a mainstay in the social media landscape, it has seen users flock to other platforms in wake of Elon Musk’s takeover of the platform. Some people tweeted out their handles for other social platforms, such as Instagram and Mastodon. Meanwhile, other users have been reviving their old Tumblr accounts.

What makes Tumblr a great platform is that it’s not defined by its content type. It’s a diverse space where you can create your own blog and curated feed, with posts that cover just about every type of content out there. Tumblr is also an excellent way to engage with niche crowds and audiences.

What does this mean from a marketing perspective? Tumblr does have a paid ads feature, but its strength lies in organic posts and direct engagement with users. The best part is that you’re not just limited to 280 characters and a GIF – you can market your product however you want to!

With the recent uptick in Tumblr users, consider how you can make Tumblr work for marketing your business in the future.

What Will Take Off Next?

As more social media users branch out into other platforms in place of existing ones, your brand needs to keep pace with the evolving social media landscape. As we move into 2023, it’s more important than ever to plan around the new trends and platforms that will emerge. So what do you need to incorporate into your marketing strategy?

BeReal with Your Customers

Being authentic is going to be the defining feature of what makes or breaks your social media strategy. BeReal is an app when you’re notified at a random point in the day to ‘be real’. The app gives you two minutes to take a photo of whatever you’re doing and share it with others.

So how does this translate into a marketing strategy?

While the app doesn’t feature an ads option for brands, which is in-line with its authenticity ethos, companies can still create an account and share content. Showing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand can bring an element of authenticity and gives audiences the chance to put a face to the name.

Like TikTok, the majority of people using this app are young people who value authenticity to online brand advertising. This makes it the perfect opportunity to target your marketing towards the Gen Z crowd. 

Join the Hive

Hive Social is a newcomer to the social media landscape. As an alternative to Twitter, Hive Social allows users to send updates, discover content and add music to their profiles. This amalgamation of social media features allows users to showcase their content however they want, while customizing their profile to be thematic to their personality.

Just like BeReal, Hive Social doesn’t have a paid ads feature. Focusing on organic content and directly engaging with your audience will be key to your marketing strategy. Should you join Hive Social, it’s important to know that this platform isn’t timeline based.  Having said that, the platform is driven by topic-based communities. This allows you to target your marketing strategy towards those niche groups, especially those who would have an interest in your brand.

Master on with Mastodon

Another addition to the social media playground is Mastodon. While it resembles Twitter in many ways, there are some unique additions that allow this app to stand out on its own. Mastodon is a decentralized social media network, which means that it’s made up of different servers that pertain to different themes and topics, much like how Reddit has subreddits.

This platform is excellent for brands to conduct market research. They can join servers that align with their audience’s interests and have unlimited access to what your audience really wants.

You can use this platform for marketing by creating your own community. This puts you in control of your community, so you can approve potential members, moderate content and start conversations. The alternative is to be an active presence in servers that are applicable to your brand.

Social Media is an Ever-Evolving Space

It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and emerging platforms to ensure your brand remains relevant and visible to your target audience. From the dominance of Facebook to the rise of TikTok and the emergence of new platforms like BeReal, Hive Social, and Mastodon, there are plenty of opportunities to engage with your audience and expand your reach. By understanding the nuances of the current state of social media and exploring new spaces, you can make informed decisions about how to effectively utilize social media to meet your business goals. So, stay ahead of the game, keep your marketing strategy up-to-date with the latest social media developments, and watch as your brand grows and thrives in the dynamic world of social media.

If you’d like to know more about how Integrate Agency can help you with your social media strategy, contact us and let’s chat.

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