
Podcasting Series: Advertising Your Business on a Podcast (Part 4 of 4)

Nov 15, 2022 | +1, Blog, Digital Marketing, Win.

With over 525,000 active shows, advertising your business on a podcast seems like a no-brainer. Almost 70% of listeners learned about a new brand via podcast advertising.

But there are many things to consider before you go down the podcast advertising path. In our blog, we explain why you should go down the podcast advertising route and how you can get started.

Benefits of Podcast Advertising

Podcast advertising allows you to expand your customer base. By collaborating with podcasts within your industry, you can reach new or like-minded audiences that can turn into customers.

Podcasts ads are kept in the episode permanently. While a special offer will expire, the exposure is forever – new listeners will hear your ad for the first time, even if the episode’s been out for a few years.

Additionally, around 67% of podcast listeners enjoy listening to the ad-read. Having consistent exposure means that your business will have increased traffic and more potential customers.

Know Your Audience

Your audience plays a central role in how you advertise. When looking for podcasts to advertise on, opt for shows that are within your industry or niche.

Advertising on a show that has an established audience with interests that align with your business will make it seem more natural for the listener.

For example, advertising skincare products on a beauty podcast makes sense for the audience. But advertising the same product on a business podcast might seem a bit out of the blue.

Think About Your Ad Type and Delivery

There are different types of podcasts ads that you can use to promote your business on a podcast.

Host-read ads are when podcasters take the brief supplied by the brand and read the ad live on-air. Host-read ads are great if you want to utilize the audience’s trust in the host and drive strong brand recall.

Produced ads let the advertiser pre-record their ad and supply it to the podcasters. This allows the advertiser to be in control of how they promote their business.

Both ad types can be dynamically placed into the episode or baked-in. Baked-in ads are organically woven into the episode’s recording but require re-recording if the podcaster wants to change the ad. Dynamic placement is when the ad is inserted into the show during post-production, allowing the podcaster to change the ad at any time.

Timing is Key

Inserting your ad in the pre-roll means it runs before the podcast begins. It’s cheaper than the mid-roll slot, but you must ensure your messaging engages the audience – it helps listeners not skip your ad.

The mid-roll slot is a popular choice among advertisers. They run throughout the podcast, usually in the middle, and engage an already captivated audience. These ads outperform other slots and are worth the higher price.

Once the podcast has ended, the host might run some ads during this time – this is called the post-roll. While this slot is usually the cheapest option out of the three, the placement does mean that listeners might tune out or jump to the next episode before listening to your ad.

Purchase Ad Space

You can purchase ad space through an advertising agency or via the podcasting network of your choice. The latter option can help you advertise on multiple shows under the same network, rather than spreading your ads too thin.

Pitching yourself to podcasters as a sponsor or advertiser on the show is another viable option. Create a connection with the host and make a pitch that will capture their attention. Should this method work out for you, involve the podcaster in the creative process.

Podcast ad space prices range based on the show, ad placement and overall ad length. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, the average price for a 30-second ad is $18 CPM and $25 CPM for a 60-second ad.

Let Your Ad Be Heard

While it may seem overwhelming at first, podcast advertising is great to get your brand noticed by like-minded audiences. Consider the ad placement and type to expand your reach and brand awareness.

It can take time for the results to show, but the positive effects it will have on your business are unbeatable. So go ahead, put pen to paper and start working on your podcast ad today!

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